Accountancy Board
The Accountancy Board was established in 1979 when the Accountancy Profession Act Cap 281 was enacted. The Accountancy Board regulates the accountancy profession in Malta and is entrusted with:
- the issue of accountants’ warrants and auditors’ practising certificates after making their recommendations to the Minister for Finance;
- the registration of firms of accountants and auditors;
- keeping a register of the above;
- the operation of an appropriate system of quality assurance;
- dealing with cases leading to the suspension or withdrawal of warrants or practising certificates;
- advising or making recommendations and expressing its views to the Minister; and
- such other functions arising from any law or as may be delegated to it by the Minister under the Accountancy Profession Act.
Over the years, the Accountancy Board has taken various initiatives within the ambit of its role. These include the formulation of a Code of Ethics for accountants and auditors, setting up requirements for Continued Professional Education, setting up a system of Quality Assurance and conducting disciplinary proceedings on members of the profession. The Accountancy Board participates actively in the EU Commission proceedings on Accountancy and Auditing in Brussels. The Board has the collaboration and technical support of the Malta Institute of Accountants which is an Approved Accountancy Body as established under the Accountancy Profession Act.
Present members of the Board
Mr Edgar Borg, FCCA, FIA, CPA
Professor Peter J. Baldacchino, Ph.D. (Lough.), M.Phil. (Lough.), FCCA, FIA, CPA
Mr John Sammut, M.A. (Fin. Serv), M.A. (Risk and Ins.), B.A. (Hons) Accty, ACIB, CPA
Mr David Demarco B.A. (Hons) Accountancy, MBA, ACIB, FIA, CPA
Mr Luke Coppini, FCCA, FIA, CPA
Dr Lauren Ellul, B. Accty. (Hons), MBA (Exec.) (Edin. & ENPC), FIA, CPA, PhD (Birm.)
Ms Marlene Mizzi, BA (Hons) Econ., M.Phil. (Maastricht)
Mr Martin Spiteri, IEng MIIE, MBA (Leic)
These appointments remain valid for a period of one year with effect from the 25th July, 2023.